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Friday, August 29, 2014

Bloggers Commenting Back

I've seen this little button in so many different places.  On blogs, on posts, on Instagram.  It's everywhere!  So, needless to say, my interest was piqued.  I love having comments on my blog posts, whether it's a positive comment or a something that has to do with constructive criticism. I'll take it.  I greatly enjoy having feedback when what I'm doing is so public.  Keeping that in mind, I also enjoy leaving comments.  If I read a book review that made me want to read the book, I let them know.  

Coming upon this little idea really had the wheels turning in my head.  This was such a grand idea and it is one that is easiest enough for even a busy blogger to participate in.  I found these rules on Alise's Blog, Readers In Wonderland and found that they were the best explanation.  Why mess with something that is already perfect? Haha.  So here is the direct quote from her blog.

"Basically, this is a group of people who make it a common routine to reply to comments on their own blog and go the extra mile to visit that commenter’s blog and comment on one of their posts in return. One-sided conversation is no fun! It is a way to get more comments, meet new people, and actually have bookish conversations, which was the reason a lot of us started blogging in the first place!

If you are entering your blog on this list, please make sure you try your best to do both:
-Replying to comments on your own blog
-Visiting and commenting back on blogs that have commented on yours
If you are taking the pledge to do both, you can (NOT mandatory) add the button somewhere on your site and enter your blog in the linky list below so others can find you!"

So I am going to publicly take the pledge.  I, Jess of A Cup of Tea & A Big Book, will happily and willfully comment on other book blogs and if someone comments on my blog, I shall return the favor.

Maybe it will help get a little more camaraderie going around, or at the very least, you might find a blog you may have never seen before.  Be sure to check out the linky on the original post!  There are so many great book blogs out there!

Keep on reading, lovlies!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! We greatly appreciate your support and taking the time to read our blog! We hope you enjoy it!

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