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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Books to Movies Giveaway and HOP!

Announcing the Books to Movies Giveaway Hop

October 2nd to 10th

Hosted by Mary from Bookhounds &  I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
This hop features books that have been made into movies or TV shows.   
Some blogs will be giving away the book, some the movie & others both!
Oh my goodness guys!  A Cup of Tea & A Big Book is participating in the Books to Movies Giveaway hop!  Are you as excited as we are?  We love giveaway hops.  They are just so much fun and they give you a chance to look around at other blogs you may not have seen otherwise!

This particular blog hop sounded like quite a bit of fun!  It's always interesting to see what books are next to be put on the movie making train!  Sometimes the movies crash and burn.  Other times, they do so well, they even convince some kids and adults to start reading! Can't complain with that!  At least, I know I can't.  :)

We have three prizes here for this giveaway, so there are three chances to win!  YAHOOO!  Exciting, right?  I think so!  So take a look at the prizes, enter the giveaway, and check out the rest of the blog hop with the linky at the bottom of the post!  Good luck!

Prize 1:
Ian McEwan
Ian McEwan’s symphonic novel of love and war, childhood and class, guilt and forgiveness provides all the satisfaction of a brilliant narrative and the provocation we have come to expect from this master of English prose.

On a hot summer day in 1934, thirteen-year-old Briony Tallis witnesses a moment’s flirtation between her older sister, Cecilia, and Robbie Turner, the son of a servant and Cecilia’s childhood friend. But Briony’s incomplete grasp of adult motives—together with her precocious literary gifts—brings about a crime that will change all their lives. As it follows that crime’s repercussions through the chaos and carnage of World War II and into the close of the twentieth century, Atonement engages the reader on every conceivable level, with an ease and authority that mark it as a genuine masterpiece.

Prize 2:
The Maze Runner
James Dashner
If you ain’t scared, you ain’t human.

When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his name. He’s surrounded by strangers—boys whose memories are also gone.

Nice to meet ya, shank. Welcome to the Glade.

Outside the towering stone walls that surround the Glade is a limitless, ever-changing maze. It’s the only way out—and no one’s ever made it through alive.

Everything is going to change.

Then a girl arrives. The first girl ever. And the message she delivers is terrifying.

Remember. Survive. Run.

Grand Prize:
Dear John( Hardcover)

The Notebook (Paperback)

Nicholas Sparks

 When Savannah Lynn Curtis comes into his life, John Tyree knows he is ready to turn over a new leaf. An angry rebel, he had enlisted in the army after high school, not knowing what else to do. Then, during a furlough, he meets Savannah, the girl of his dreams. The attraction is mutual and quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah vowing to wait for John while he finishes his tour of duty. But neither can foresee that 9/11 is about to change the world. Like so many proud men and women, John must choose between love and country. Now, when he finally returns to North Carolina, John will discover that loving Savannah will force him to make the hardest decision of his life.

When Savannah Lynn Curtis comes into his life, John Tyree knows he is ready to turn over a new leaf. An angry rebel, he had enlisted in the army after high school, not knowing what else to do. Then, during a furlough, he meets Savannah, the girl of his dreams. The attraction is mutual and quickly grows into the kind of love that leaves Savannah vowing to wait for John while he finishes his tour of duty. But neither can foresee that 9/11 is about to change the world. Like so many proud men and women, John must choose between love and country. Now, when he finally returns to North Carolina, John will discover that loving Savannah will force him to make the hardest decision of his life.

These books are pretty great!  Plus, you get three to choose from incase you win!  Now, please keep in mind, some of these books aren't always what they seem.  Some of the books for my giveaways are brand new, some of the books are gently used and pre-loved.  However, though some of the books may be used, I WILL NOT send anything I wouldn't like to receive myself. :)  Promise!

Ok, so for the giveaway, it MUST be a US resident, 13/or older, and no PO Boxes. The books will be sent Media Mail with Tracking, so PLEASE BE IN THE US.  If the winner's address isn't entered during the giveaway, they will have 48 hours to respond!  If they don't, the name is thrown out and a new name is coming up!  Have a great week!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

We hope you guys enjoy the post and enter the contest!  We would love to get these books out to you to enjoy and read!  Be sure to look at the linky hop at the end of this post for the rest of the blogs in the hop!!  Also, stop by  Bookhounds &  I Am A Reader, Not A Writer to thank them for hosting this great hop!

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  1. I would pick Atonement--I've always wanted to read the book :)

  2. I would like to win the grand prize. I haven't had the opportunity to read a Nicholas Sparks book yet.

  3. I'd be most excited about getting Maze Runner because it sounds like a fun book.

  4. I think I'd most like to win Dear John because I've never read it.

  5. I'd love the Maze Runner! It's my kind of setting and I'd love to read it before I see the film :)

  6. The Maze Runner, it has just a cool concept. I can't wait to see the movie! Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. the notebook; haven't read it

  8. I would pick prize 1, then prize 2, and last I would pick prize 3.

  9. I would choose Maze Runner because I already have both of the Nicholas Sparks books.

  10. The Maze Runner. I love the series and I loved the movie. I'd love to have my own copy of the book.

  11. I think I'd like Atonement because I haven't read it yet and it sounds really good! Thanks!

  12. I would pick the Nicholas Sparks books because his books/movies are all very good.

  13. I would want The Notebook because I'm such a sappy old romantic at heart!

  14. I would love to win The Maze Runner because it sounds fascinating and I have heard many good comments about it. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  15. OMGoodness I would love to get The Maze Runner! It sounds fantastic. I am a person that would rather read the book over a movie anyday! Thank You~

  16. the Maze Runner, because my husband hasn't read it yet

  17. I would love the copy of The Maze Runner. I really want to know what it's like!

  18. I would love the Grand prize because I love Nicholas Sparks' books.

  19. I'd love the Maze Runner because it sounds awesome and I've also already read/watched Atonement and the Notebook. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S

  20. I would pick Dear John and The Notebook.


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